With the current surge of the COVID-19 Omicron variant, more and more people are getting infected at an alarming rate - this is despite most people getting vaccinated and observing minimum health protocols like wearing masks, physical distancing, and frequent sanitizing and washing of hands. And while no one really expects to be infected, it pays to be prepared in the event that the virus finds its way into your household. Health experts advise for you to immediately isolate at the onset of symptoms, and here are some important things you need to do to prepare for your home quarantine ahead of time.
1. Set up a “Sick Room”
If you live with others, you need to set up your “sick room” away from them to prevent spreading the virus in your household. Choose a room that preferably has its own bathroom. If there’s only 1 bathroom for the household to share, you can do precautionary steps instead like wearing a mask, using disposable hand towels to touch surfaces, and using your own toiletries. It is also recommended that your “sick room” has windows with direct exposure to sunlight and good ventilation which can help a COVID-19 positive individual recover.
2. Stock up on medicine and supplies
Here are the things you will most likely need while in isolation. Make sure to buy these items good for at least 7 days so you don’t have to stress about running out of supplies while you’re in quarantine.
- Digital Thermometer
- Pulse Oximeter
- Paracetamol
- Cough and Flu Medicine
- Vitamin C with Zinc
- Oral Gargle Solution
- Throat / Nasal spray
- Your maintenance medicine, if any
- Tissue and Wipes
- Extra Face Masks
- Alcohol
- Water
- Non-perishable Food and Snacks (Avoid the sweet variety)
- Fruits
- Notebook and pen for recording your vitals
3. Save important numbers and contacts
While everything is just a Google search away, it’s best to already save important contact numbers you might need at hand in your phone or in the same notebook which you will also use for recording your vitals.
- Your Doctor’s number for teleconsultation
- PCR-testing facility with home service
- Pharmacy with delivery
- Restaurants with food delivery
- Your local Barangay hotline
These are just the basics you need to prepare for a possible home quarantine. Make sure to check official resources online on how you can properly equip your household. By being one step ahead, you can avoid the stress of suddenly going into isolation and you can focus on your recovery instead.